Top 5 Defenders, Supporters & Magicians In Korea! (March 2020) | Brave Nine

Описание к видео Top 5 Defenders, Supporters & Magicians In Korea! (March 2020) | Brave Nine

Alright these are the top 10 everything else (defenders, supporters & magicians) that are being used in the Korea just last week in terms of their usage rate. Gonna give my analysis and thoughts about why each of the units are placed in the order that they are.

Already covered the Top 10 Warriors so if you guys want to check it out, it's here :
   • Top 10 Warriors In Korea! (March 2020...  

Link to the reddit post by xTachibana can be found here :
  / kr_0323_arena_hot_mercenaries_top_30_teams  

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All my jump start quest guides can be found here :
   • 5 Star Warriors Selection Guide! | Br...   - 5 Star Warriors
   • 5 Star Defenders Selection Guide! | B...   - 5 Star Defenders
   • 5 Star Supporters Selection Guide! | ...   - 5 Star Supporters
   • 4 Star Warriors Selection Guide! | Br...   - 4 Star Warriors
   • 4 Star Supporters Selection Guide! | ...   - 4 Star Supporters
   • 4 Star Magicians Selection Guide! | B...   - 4 Star Magician
   • 4 Star Defenders Selection Guide! | B...   - 4 Star Defenders
   • Legendary Six Devils Selection Guide!...   - Six Devils

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