Minion Masters Hunting Wartrack Dreadnaught 獵殺無畏之翼 2

Описание к видео Minion Masters Hunting Wartrack Dreadnaught 獵殺無畏之翼 2

我創建的Prince of Nightmares牌組幾乎無法與Wartrack Dreadnaught和Chief Ice Breaker Bolf牌組抗衡,這兩張卡一起使用的時候太OP了,目前幾乎沒有任何辦法可以對抗他們。
如你所看到的,目前Top 50幾乎都是Wartrack Dreadnaught、Chief Ice Breaker Bolf牌組。
Prince of Nightmares牌組主要是依靠反擊戰術來打敗Wartrack Dreadnaught和Chief Ice Breaker Bolf,只能被動的期待對手的失誤,依靠大量單位掩護,使Prince of Nightmares能在不被冰凍的情況下擊殺Bolf,但是主動權在敵方的手上。
值得慶幸的是,目前TOP 50頂尖的老玩家幾乎很少使用Wartrack Dreadnaught和Chief Ice Breaker Bolf這個OP的組合,不然現在整個Rank應該全都是Wartrack Dreadnaught牌組。
The Prince of Nightmares deck I created is almost impossible to compete with the Wartrack Dreadnaught and Chief Ice Breaker Bolf decks. These two cards are so OP when used together that there is currently almost no way to counter them.
As you can see, the current Top 50 decks are almost all Wartrack Dreadnaught and Chief Ice Breaker Bolf decks.
The Prince of Nightmares deck mainly relies on counterattack tactics to defeat Wartrack Dreadnaught and Chief Ice Breaker Bolf. It can only passively expect the opponent's mistakes and rely on a large number of units to cover, so that Prince of Nightmares can kill Bolf without being frozen. But the initiative lies with the enemy.
Fortunately, the current top 50 veteran players rarely use the OP combination of Wartrack Dreadnaught and Chief Ice Breaker Bolf, otherwise the entire Rank would be full of Wartrack Dreadnaught decks.


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