般若波羅蜜多心咒(心經咒) [歌詞版] The Mantra of Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra(梵) [Lyrics]

Описание к видео 般若波羅蜜多心咒(心經咒) [歌詞版] The Mantra of Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra(梵) [Lyrics]

gate gate para gate para sam gate bodhi svaha ¦




In the #heart #sutra , #bodhisattva #avalokitesvara is like doing deep meditation, piercing through and realizing that everything in reality is essentially empty. This insight acts as a sort of key, helping us to #breakfree from the troubles of life. The root causes of human's cycle of life and death are actually these Five Aggregates — form, sensation, perception, mental formation, and consciousness. These are the ways our senses and minds exist but the truth is, they don't have the fixed or actual existence that we often imagine.

There's a famous phrase in the Heart Sutra: "Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are sensation, perception, mental formation, and consciousness." This means that all palpable things and phenomena that you sense, their essence is actually empty. What we refer to as empty, comprises all phenomena and conversely, all phenomena are considered as empty. This is the in-depth understanding that Buddhism has towards the true existential state of objects.

In simple terms, the Heart Sutra is a handbook about profound wisdom. It underscores the concept of "emptiness", urging us to let go of all attachments, comprehend that the true nature of all things is in fact empty, then through this enlightenment, we manage to successfully break free from the predicament of the #cycle of #life and #death .

#sutra #sutrabar #佛系 #lofi


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