Myth 2: Lift your chest to fold into Uttanasana.

Описание к видео Myth 2: Lift your chest to fold into Uttanasana.

Eight Yoga Myths: Unlearn These Misconceptions to Empower Your Body’s Natural Intelligence

Hi, I’m Lizzie Lasater! In this free mini-course, we’ll explore common yoga cues that don’t align with anatomical reality. Together with Mama, Judith Hanson Lasater, PhD, PT, and the great Mary Richards, MS, we’ll challenge these myths and uncover smarter, safer ways to move.

Here’s the eight myths we’ll cover:

1. Tuck your tailbone in Tadasana to protect your lower back:    • Myth 1: Tuck your tailbone in Tadasan...  

2. Lift your chest to fold into Uttanasana:    • Myth 2: Lift your chest to fold into ...  

3. Hold your shoulder blades down in Dog Pose:    • Myth 3. Hold your shoulder blades dow...  

4. Soften the glutes to protect your low back in backbends:    • Myth 4. Soften the glutes to protect ...  

5. Keep the feet together in Cobra:    • Myth 5. Keep the feet together in Cobra.  

6. Keep the wrists and elbows at 90° in Chaturanga:    • Myth 6. Keep the wrists and elbows at...  

7. Breathe deeply into your abdomen:    • Myth 7: Breathe deeply into your abdo...  

8. Keep the arms close to the body in Savasana:    • Myth 8. Keep the arms close to the bo...  

This mini-course will help you move beyond rigid cues and embrace practices that honor your body’s natural intelligence.

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Our online offerings are designed for smart, curious yogis who care about functional movement, healthy aging, and deepening their understanding of yoga practice and teaching.

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