Pearly Penile Papules Treatment For Getting Rid of Those Little Pink Bumps on Your Penis

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Pearly Penile Papules Treatment For Getting Rid of Those Little Pink Bumps on Your Penis
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Are you also traumatized by the pink pearly penile papules that have grown on your penis? Sit back and relax. Before jumping to any conclusion by yourself, it is recommended that you see a doctor first, for these pink spots may only be pearly papules.

Scientifically called hirsuties papillaris genitalis, penile bumps are very mild and do not cause much harm to your private parts. However, the fact cannot be ignored that these may always be a cause of itching and trouble. They not only look ugly, but might also be embarrassing as well as uncomfortable for the person.

Although there are many options for papules treatment, people often opt out of this. This is generally because of the reason that they feel embarrassed to see a doctor for papules. However, it is strongly recommended that in case of any such development, one should immediately consult a doctor to find out an apt treatment for himself.

There are many home based remedies suggested for pearly treatment. These include drugs, warts removal creams, medicines, and other lotions. People also try to scrap them off by themselves. However, these treatments don't give a permanent solution to your problem and can instead aggravate them further.

A medical treatment for this is the only way to get permanently get rid of pearly penile papules. One of the medical treatments employed for the removal of papules is Cryotherapy. The process involves the freezing of such lesions with liquid nitrogen resulting in peeling or scabbing of the same.

Excisional surgery involves the actual surgical methods to remove the pearly penile papules. A local anesthesia is given to the patient, however, this process can be tedious. The use of carbon dioxide Laser Ablation is also a common method now days. The recovery process can take several weeks, although it varies from person to person.


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