Roblox - Brawl 2 - They Tried To Antagonize Me

Описание к видео Roblox - Brawl 2 - They Tried To Antagonize Me

This is the reason why I do not like playing games like this. I usually end up in an argument with a player, or someone just ends up getting reported.

I do realize that I type extremely slow on Mobile. I apologize for that. If I were on PC, my sentences would have been typed faster with better grammar.

I honestly felt like these two individuals were attempting to antagonize me. I noticed a pattern in their behavior: If I attacked her (sandy), he attacked me. If I attacked him (sp0ngb0b), she attacked me. That's when I mentioned in the chat that those two individuals were teaming me.

I also want to mention that I do not know these individuals. I literally just decided to play this particular game for the first time, and ended up in a server with them. I randomly picked players to go against, and accepted my losses.

For some reason, sandy wanted me to "1v1" her in the "1v1 Servers". I refused to do so because I did not see the point in doing that. I already scored a victory over sandy in a Server Size of 25, so why would I need to go to a 1v1 server with her to prove a point I already did? Not only this, but both sandy and sp0ngb0b continued to follow and attack me in EACH round I participated in.

sandy proceeded to call me "scary," "stray dog," and other things for some reason. I pretended to go into the 1v1 Server with her with the false intent to 1v1 her. Then, I exited the 1v1 Server. I declined her Friend Request.


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