Rethinking British Foreign Policy

Описание к видео Rethinking British Foreign Policy

British foreign policy has lost its way. Recent governments have pursued a policy based on wishful thinking rather than hard reality. It needs re-thinking from scratch.

This lecture sets out to explore what a new policy should look like, taking account of recent changes in geopolitical realities, of the real costs of Brexit to Britain, and of Britain’s underlying economic and strategic interests. By establishing four core pillars of foreign policy, Britain can respond more effectively to the international challenges and crises of the coming years. This new strategy should be defined before the next government comes into office. Otherwise it is at risk of being buffeted by events and forced to make policy up as it goes along – to the detriment of all.

Speaker: Dr Nick Westcott, Department of Politics and International Studies, Professor of Practice

Moderator: Professor Matt Nelson, Dept of Politics and International Studies, SOAS

Discussant: Olivia O’Sullivan, Director, UK in the World Programme, Chatham House

Lecture notes:


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