Warner Bros. Discovery is bringing Batman’s most iconic storyline to life with an all-new animated trilogy! Centered around the legendary "Knightfall" arc, the series will explore Bane breaking Batman, Azrael taking up the mantle, and Bruce Wayne’s epic comeback. Directed by Jeff Wamester, known for DC’s Tomorrowverse, this trilogy promises intense action, emotional depth, and iconic moments. Set to release its first installment in early 2025, this trilogy marks a new era for Batman animations. Dive into our breakdown of everything you need to know about this highly anticipated project!
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Batman Knightfall, Warner Bros. Discovery, Batman animated trilogy, Bane breaks Batman, Bruce Wayne, Azrael Batman, Jeff Wamester, DC animated movies, Knightfall saga, Batman Knightfall Part 1, Batman Knightquest, Batman Knightsend, Tomorrowverse, Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths, Dark Knight animated movie, DC Universe news, Batman legacy, superhero animation, Warner Bros. DC projects,
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