I moved to the UK, New Job, Food & Culture, R@c!sm!?🙃 ¦ Ask The Rad Tech

Описание к видео I moved to the UK, New Job, Food & Culture, R@c!sm!?🙃 ¦ Ask The Rad Tech

Such a surreal life an travel update 🙃🥰


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How to Set Optimal X-Ray Exposures (kVp & mAs) -    • From Beginner to Pro: How to Set Opti...  
Leg amputations, covid theatre & broken bones -    • Leg amputations, covid theatre & brok...  
Is it safe to be a radiographer? Radiation exposure & safety guidelines -    • Is it safe to be a radiographer? Radi...  
Oblique Ribs X-ray - Positioning, Centering & Marker Tips -    • Oblique Ribs X-ray - Positioning, Cen...  
Lateral Hip X-ray Positioning & Centering Tips w/ Demo -    • Lateral Hip X-ray Positioning & Cente...  
AP Pelvis X-ray Positioning & Centering Tips w/ Demo -    • AP Pelvis X-ray Positioning & Centeri...  


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