T.M.J. Disorder - Jaw Pain, Ear Pain, Pain when Chewing, Headaches

Описание к видео T.M.J. Disorder - Jaw Pain, Ear Pain, Pain when Chewing, Headaches

Many people do not think of Physical Therapy when dealing with pain in the head, face or mouth. Well...Physical Therapy can help!

Your temporomandibal joint (jaw) is involved in a lot of motions such as smiling, swallowing, chewing, etc. There is actually a disk that allows the movement of your jaw to move smoothly and cushions the forces involved with its movement.

Physical Therapy provides a variety of resolutions to jaw pain! We are skilled with intra-oral release (working within the jaw structure) and can also advise and coach through sleeping positions and how the cervical spine correlates.

If you are experiencing jaw pain during your daily activities, don't hesitate to call and book a free screen and evaluation!

In Motion O.C.


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