i tried to become a flight attendant, here's what happened...

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If you're thinking about becoming a Flight Attendant, if you're currently in the interview process, or if you're about to start training, leave me a comment if you need any advice or insight. If I receive enough inquiries, I would love to put together a video answering all your questions and going more in-depth about my personal experience. Anyway, here's some backstory:

Being a Flight Attendant, much like being a bartender, was a job that I had considered trying for years. Over the years I befriended many people who work in the airline industry, and many of them encouraged me to go for it. Usually when I would attempt to apply online, the airlines would only be hiring for candidates "foreign" language speakers, so I got discouraged. Then in the autumn of 2022 my Flight Attendant friend sent me the link when his airline opened up for English speakers, but I had grown too complacent working at my cash only dive bar, and I was intimidated by the prospect of such a major change (especially learning that the training is so long and intensive).

Fast forward to the new year 2023, and I was completely uninspired and unfulfilled by my bartending job. I couldn't stand seeing the same people and dealing with the same drama everyday. I craved a fresh start. I went online to see if they were hiring for English speaking flight attendants, and they were not, but it wasn't long before the applications opened up for me and I jumped at the opportunity.

The big three major US airlines were all hiring at the same time, so I applied to work for all of them. I made it through the application the process, and after a few rounds of questionnaires, assessments, and video interviews, was invited to the coveted Face to Face interview with all three airlines! Ultimately, Delta Air Lines offered me a CJO (conditional job offer) on May 25, and I decided to go with them because they are consistently regarded as the premier airline in the nation.

This is my Flight Attendant journey, from interview to 6 week training. I tried to be as honest about the process as possible, while also respecting the confidentiality of the company. This was the hardest I've ever worked for anything and I will always remember this experience.


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