How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System

Описание к видео How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System

Alcohol with Abraham the Pharmacist. How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System. Leave Your System. Stay In the Blood.

In this weeks video we’re looking at How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System and Leave Your System. This is going to be your simple, step by step, scientifically backed guide.

00:00 How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?
00:53 How Is Alcohol Brocken Down Metabolised By Your System?
03:06 How Long Dose Alcohol Stay In Your System And Leave Your System Explained?
07:48 What Is The Recommended Amount Of Alcohol Units And When To Seek Medical Advice?

If you’ve looked up this video because you want to drive after having a quick pint or a glass of wine, please be responsible and do NOT drink and drive! Any amount of alcohol, no matter how small, can affect your reflexes and put you at serious risk of harming yourself and others.

You may have heard the good old saying “never eat on an empty stomach” - and there’s a good reason for it! I recommend you always have at least a fistful of food before you drink any alcohol to slow down how quickly it gets into your bloodstream. And studies have shown it doesn’t matter what you eat, whether it’s a meal that’s high in carbohydrates, protein or fat. You’re giving your stomach time to release digestive juices, which include alcohol dehydrogenase, to break down that alcohol.

And if you’re genetically female, you tend to produce less of that important alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in your stomach compared to men. So your blood alcohol concentration will go high quite fast relative to someone who is genetically male.

The type of alcohol you drink is also important. Carbonated, sparkling or fizzy alcohol drinks like champagne are absorbed more quickly than those which aren’t. In addition, the higher the volume of alcohol you drink and the higher the concentration of the alcohol in your drink, the faster your blood alcohol concentration will increase.

And another factor is that alcohol diffuses through our body’s water content. So if you are dehydrated, the alcohol in your body is going to reach high concentrations quicker than someone who has been drinking lots of water. That’s also why drinking water helps you get over a hangover - because you are diluting the remaining alcohol in your body so your body can more easily get rid of it.

Your body composition and size also affects how much water you can carry. So smaller people, by body weight, with a high body fat percentage will absorb alcohol faster.

The bottom line is, because the rate of alcohol breakdown in your body is unique to you and dependent on things like your metabolism, your body weight and the amount you drink, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how quickly your body gets rid of alcohol. So just to drive the point home, please, be responsible and safe when you drink - and never drink and drive!

Whether you are male or female, drink in moderation and split up the recommended 14 units per week over at least 3 days per week. Try to have an alcohol-free day in between the days that you drink to allow your liver to fully clear the alcohol from your body on those rest days. Now the number of units will differ depending on the volume and concentration of the alcohol. Here’s a good unit calculator:

Now, all of us have different drinking habits and sometimes drinking alcohol can negatively affect our lives. So I’ve also found a free online tool you can use if you’re worried about your alcohol intake. It’s called an “AUDIT test” and it can help you decide if it’s time to see a doctor about your relationship with alcohol -

Don’t be afraid to seek help. Sometimes alcohol can become a problem and start to affect your personal life, work commitments, and relationships. If you ever feel that you or someone you know is being affected by drinking, speak to a healthcare professional.

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.


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