BRCC Presents: Jeremiah Workman

Описание к видео BRCC Presents: Jeremiah Workman

During clearing operations in Al Fallujah, Iraq, Cpl. Jeremiah Workman organized his squad to enter a building to retrieve isolated Marines inside. Despite a heavy resistance from enemy automatic weapons fire, and a barrage of grenades, Cpl. Workman fearlessly exposed himself and laid down a base of fire that allowed isolated Marines to escape.

Outside the house, he rallied the rescues Marines and directed fire onto insurgent positions as he aided wounded Marines in a neighboring yard.

After seeing these Marines to safety, he led another assault force into the building eliminate insurgents and extract Marines.

Cpl. Workman again exposed himself to enemy fire while providing cover fire for the team when an enemy grenade exploded directly in front of him causing shrapnel wounds to his arms and legs. He continued to provide intense fire long enough to recover additional wounded Marines and extract them from the besieged building.

Although injured, he led a third assault into the building, rallying his team one last time to extract isolated Marines before M1A1 tanks arrived to support the battle. Throughout this fight, Cpl. Workman's heroic actions contributed to the elimination of 24 insurgents.

For his valiant efforts, he was awarded the Navy Cross.

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