Language Acquisition Benefits, Laura's Perspective

Описание к видео Language Acquisition Benefits, Laura's Perspective

Today I want to talk about language acquisition benefits. What are language acquisition benefits? Language acquisition is the way we as humans, learn a language, that learning process, and the results from that process.
Today I want to discuss it more in depth and answer a few questions about language acquisition benefits including who, where, why, when, and how.
Who do language acquisition benefits affect? Children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Where do language acquisition benefits happen? Language acquisition benefits happen at home, in school, or in early intervention programs.
When do language acquisition benefits occur? Language acquisition benefits can be seen almost immediately and happen as soon as the child beings learns sign language.
Why are language acquisition benefits so important? Wow, there are so many reasons: Language acquisition benefits provide the ability to have awareness; the ability to understand language and how to use it; the ability to produce words and sentences; the ability to communicate, interact, and socialize; the ability to share their thoughts, emotions, feelings, information; and so much more.
How do language acquisition benefits happen? The brain begins to identify different things like patterns. Memory improves, and brain function also improves. The child becomes more culturally aware and has more opportunities. Language development is not delayed, rather it is equal to that of their hearing peers.
Language acquisition benefits are critically important.
Yes, Wow.


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