The Mass Effect Iceberg Explained

Описание к видео The Mass Effect Iceberg Explained

I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite iceberg on the of them at least.

Background footage
   • MASS EFFECT All Cutscenes (Full Game ...   - Mass Effect 1 (Gamer's Little Playground)
   • MASS EFFECT 2 All Cutscenes (Game Mov...   - Mass Effect 2 (Gamer's Little Playground)
   • MASS EFFECT 3 All Cutscenes (Full Gam...   - Mass Effect 3 (Gamer's Little Playground)
   • MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA All Cutscenes (...   - Mass Effect Andromeda (Gamer's Little Playground)

Videos/Articles about topics in the video
   • Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Garrus mis...   - Citadel DLC elevator conversation

   • Mass Effect 2 Gameplay - illium Bache...   - Illium Bachelor Party video

   • Mass effect infiltrator gameplay full...   - full playthrough of Mass Effect: Infiltrator

   • Mass Effect 2 "Probing Uranus" Easter...   - Uranus easter egg - article about Mass Effect: Team Assault

   • Team Assault the Canceled Mass Effect...   - footage of Mass Effect: Team Assault

   • Mass Effect 3: Husk head yells at the...   - husk head hamster easter egg

   • Mass Effect - Unused Audio for When B...   - audio for when Kaidan and Ashley survive Virmire

   • Mass Effect 2 - Legion Dancing | DanQ...   - Legion dancing easter egg

   • Mass Effect Andromeda: The Hoax - Wha...   - Kala Elizabeth's video on the cancelled Andromeda DLC

   • RED SAND: a Mass Effect fan film - st...   - Mass Effect: Red Sand - Every single error in Mass Effect: Deception

   • 183 Pull Ups Full Scene - Mass Effect 3   - 183 pull ups

  / mass_effect_3_mars_rover_easter_egg   - reddit post about the mars rover

   • FOX NEWS Mass Effect Sex Debate   - FOX News' coverage of Mass Effect - article about the cancelled Mass Effect film

   • Mass Effect Trilogy - Full Story of t...   - all Refund Guy scenes - tumblr blog about Liara's original recruitment

   • MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA : Epic Fail Com...   - compilation of Andromeda glitches

   • Enkindle Your Taste Buds with Blast-Ohs   - Blast-Ohs commercial

   • Mass Effect - The Deleted Scenes   - Kala Elizabeth's video on cut scenes from Mass Effect

   • Mass Effect Andromeda - What Happened?   - What Happened? video on Andromeda - article about Jessica Chobot

  / rachni_song_on_the_moon   - Rachni moon easter egg

   • Is Dragon Age INSIDE The Mass Effect ...   - Geek Remix's video on Dragon Age and Mass Effect's connections

   • Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Volus Pizz...   - pizza volus clip & & - tumblr blogs about cut Pinnacle Station content

   • Revealing Details On Mass Effect: Cor...   - info on Corsair

   • Mass Effect 3: Salarian Scientist Say...   - Mass Effect 3 Don't Touch That easter egg

   • Mass Effect Andromeda - "Don't Touch ...   - Andromeda Don't Touch That easter egg - article about how cosplay impacted Andromeda

   • Mass Effect Fan Film (Interactive) - ...   - Mass Effect: Assignment - Matt Rhodes' concept art for Mass Effect & - articles that mention the scrapped Shepard trial

  / mass_effect_the_asari_arent_actually_as_th...   - Reddit post about the Asari theory - article about Dragon Age and Mass Effect's connections

  / andromeda_connection_to_next_game   - reddit post about potential Andromeda 2 teasers - article about the pinnacle station remaster being cut

0:00 - Intro
0:44 - Tier 1: The Citadel
26:49 - Loading Screen 1
27:26 - Tier 2: The Normandy
56:17 - Loading Screen 2
56:55 - Tier 3: The Nexus
1:20:50 - Loading Screen 3
1:21:42 - Tier 4: Omega
1:45:55 - Outro


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