Stellar Blade: 4 new clips of Eve's Destructive Power Analyzed

Описание к видео Stellar Blade: 4 new clips of Eve's Destructive Power Analyzed

Sony and Shift Up recently posted a good amount of information on the official Stellar Blade - Playstation website ahead of the game's April release. Included in what they posted were four new clips of combat gameplay. Through analyzing these clips, and also comparing what we already know from the first two trailers and interviews we've gotten from the game director at Shift Up, we can see just how destructive and lethal Eve is going to be. I was able to discern a good amount of information from what was posted on the website and it is adding to the hype train of this incredible looking game.

So come enjoy this video. Let's take a look at both the four combat gameplay clips, as well as content from previous trailers, to help us uncover more about Stellar Blade's main protagonist, Eve, and the different ways she'll dispatch enemies. Let me know if your thoughts were they the same or different than mine. Or even tell me something new you learned from watching this video. Thanks for being here. Keep gaming, and enjoy your day.


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