Is this real? How to spot Facebook scams targeting users | VERIFY

Описание к видео Is this real? How to spot Facebook scams targeting users | VERIFY

There's a new scam on Facebook. Here's how you can spot it! If you don't want to be a victim to one of these Facebook scams, you should follow these tips from the Better Business Bureau and the VERIFY team!

An alarming new message is going around on Facebook that says users' accounts will be disabled if they don't respond within 24 hours. It's a scam. In this video, VERIFY reporter Meghan Bragg interviews a representative from the Better Business Bureau who shares some tips on how you can avoid becoming a victim, as well as a few red flags that will help you spot scammers before they trick you into handing over personal information. #VERIFY #WakeUpCLT #scamalert

"This is not how they would alert you that you made a foul to their security calls," Bartholomy said.

Bartholomy said this is just one of the latest scams going around on Facebook.

"They want you to click on a link, and at that point, they are going to ask you to enter some personal information to verify that you are really the Facebook user that we think you are," Bartholomy said. "That's what they are after. They harvest your data."



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