Black Bird: A Soaring Spoken Word Journey by Poethick Mayor

Описание к видео Black Bird: A Soaring Spoken Word Journey by Poethick Mayor

...our heritage is aquatic yet we drown ourselves in iTunes...

Embark on a poetic flight with Poethick Mayor's "Black Bird," a spoken word masterpiece that delves into the depths of identity, heritage, and resilience. This powerful performance weaves a narrative of self-discovery and empowerment, urging the Blackbird to rise above sorrow and fly towards its destiny. Tune in to experience a transformative journey that resonates with the soul's yearning for freedom and recognition.

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60 Second Poetry is a Nigerian spoken word platform where I seek to give you a piece of my soul through the gift of spoken words and performance poetry. I would cover a lot of topics, I could be your political poem, your angry poem, an inspirational poem, a life poem, a Nigerian poem, or your love poem plug.

#spokenwordpoetry #NigeriaSpokenWord


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