Show a Silhouette When Hidden Using URP Renderer Features (Unity Tutorial)

Описание к видео Show a Silhouette When Hidden Using URP Renderer Features (Unity Tutorial)

In this Unity game development tutorial we're going to look at how we can use URP Renderer Features to create a silhouette of a character when they're hidden by an obstacle.

We'll start looking at how to remove the rendering of the character completely by assigning it to a layer and removing this layer from the renderer.

Then we'll add two render passes to draw the character.

The first will use a flat material to draw a silhouette for parts of the character that are hidden.

The second will draw the character using the original material for parts that are not hidden.

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Introduction - 0:00
Creating a material for the silhouette - 0:38
Explanation of Renderer Features - 1:13
Removing the character from the renderer - 1:37
Drawing the silhouette - 2:14
Drawing the rest of the character - 3:34
Summary - 04:00

#KetraGames #LearnUnity #UnityTutorials #UnityTips


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