Sneak Peek - Atmozfears Masterclass

Описание к видео Sneak Peek - Atmozfears Masterclass

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In this 3+ hour Masterclass you will sit in the studio next to Atmozfears and have him explain to you exactly how he approaches music production. This class is special because he focuses on building a new track from scratch showing you every step of the process of doing this. Starting with a vocal, writing the song, making the buildup going into the drop. And we have already heard this new track is going to be a real banger. Additionally Tim will show you how he builds Kicks from scratch, build Screeches, makes and choses the right leads and other sounds. He will walk you through how he made his tracks "RELEASE", "THE FINAL MISSION" and "REAWAKENING" covering all important topics that made those tracks.


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