Pt.3❤️‍🩹Healing🤕wounded🍷feminine energy🍷using🗡️masculine energy🗡️: Using the Energies of the Avatars

Описание к видео Pt.3❤️‍🩹Healing🤕wounded🍷feminine energy🍷using🗡️masculine energy🗡️: Using the Energies of the Avatars

In this video I give a breakdown of the avatars the Jade Emperor, Kuan Yin and MaKali, and their associated energies, looking at it through a lens of Polarized vs Harmonized. Use the information in this video to develop an understanding of the tools YOU have to alchemize energies around AND within you.

🙏See the important message below!
🙏Check out Part 2 if you’ve not yet seen it    • Pt.2❤️‍🩹Healing🤕wounded🍷feminine ener...  
🙏Watch for Part 4 “TOWERS” coming next!

As we journey through this healing series, it is paramount that we remember the key word is ⚖️BALANCE⚖️, and it’s relative to each of us as unique beings. For example, some people may hold more 🗡️masculine energy NATURALLY while another may hold more 🍷feminine energy NATURALLY and because they NATURALLY rest in one type over another 🚫doesn’t🚫 mean they are out of balance. It simply means 👉THEIR👈 equilibrium is fundamentally more masculine or more feminine as they are (identify) now in this moment in time….this expression of energy ✅can✅change in many ways, notably in this context, in 📈intensity over time with either 🗡️ Masculine or Feminine🍷 taking front and center. Take ONLY what you resonate with now, and consider meditating on the rest to see what you can get from it 💖✌️

1:35 no genders in tarot
5:10 Tiresias
13:00 Gauri Devi
16:30 Artemis
21:10 Apollo
22:35 Energies of Kali
26:20 Fierce DF energy as acts of love
29:00 Noncompeting Energy
33:00 Polar Opposites
35:00 Kuan Yin
42:25 Jade Emporer
49:30 Back to Balance
54:50 Jade Emporer OUT of balance
59:50 Polar Opposites/Light vs Shadow
1:01:15 The Dharma of Kali
1:04:29 I love this quote
1:07:55 Mahakali
1:14:30 Forged in Fire and Wu Wei
1:15:45 Shakti energy
1:17:25 Kalika Tantrika
1:22:00 As above So below/Duality and Non Duality
1:27:14 Middle Way

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