Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Walkthrough Part 5: Root Of All Evil

Описание к видео Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror Walkthrough Part 5: Root Of All Evil

After the mission in Bosnia, Gabe heads into Kaliningrad enclave in order to assist the surveillance of Red Section's money laundering operation conducted there by MI6. With the surveillance having ended, Gabe is tasked with infiltrating the casino ran by Red Section's associate and prominent Russian mobster named Viktor Yavlinsky in order to collect the surveillance devices for analysis. As he investigates the casino, Gabe discovers that Red Section's leadership consists of two men codenamed Touchstone and Singularity and confirms that Yavlinsky effectively serves as Red Section's banker as the organization uses his criminal connections in order to offload the illegal warez stolen from areas such as Bosnia and convert the profits from its sales into Euros which Red Section then uses to finance its activities. Despite the areas of casino being covered in mines and its hallways being guarded by heavily armed security, Gabe is able to kill Yavlinsky, reach the main floor of the casino and collect MI6's surveillance devices. However, as he uploads their contents to IPCA, Red Section's elite and heavily armed forces led by Touchstone enter the casino and, aware of Gabe's intrusion, start to massacre all of the surviving casino security while hunting Gabe. Despite their interference, Gabe is able to fight his way out of the casino and escape...


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