Lacan's Slide-Rule Analogy Reveals the Need for New Critical Terms

Описание к видео Lacan's Slide-Rule Analogy Reveals the Need for New Critical Terms

This video extends earlier presentations of Lacan's "slide-rule" analogy, found in Seminar XIV, "The Logic of Phantasy." It shows how Lacan's visual transformation of the Fibonacci ratio produces a "stereogram" spatiality inserted into the midst of Euclidean perspectivalism, which he associates, via the toroidal diagram of repetition to alienation/suppression, to a new spatiality with its own parallax principles. This new parallax requires new critical terms to expound: katagraph, cathetus, conatus, and isomerics … which expands to add the tesseræ, transience, and anamorphosis. For an explanation of these, see "Six (or Seven) New Critical Terms," under "working papers" at


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