How to Start Laser Engraving | CrealityFalcon Series

Описание к видео How to Start Laser Engraving | CrealityFalcon Series

Today we have a full beginners guide to laser engraving or laser cutting featuring the Creality Falcon 2 Pro. This tutorial covers aspects of table top laser engravers which are affordable to the general public. I'll be talking non-stop about everything you'd need to know to get started. From what's an engraver, to choosing an engraver, and using an engraver. If you said thank you, you are welcome! (If I said anything incorrect, then comment and bully me)

Wanna check out the Falcon 2 Pro? Links below, and use code CFAFF20 for 20% off!

Creality Store Fall Crafting Frenzy *Up to 50% Off!* Limited time

Some materials as well!

Helpful online tips and guides from Creality.


All of todays music is sourced from a Blue Archive orchestration linked below!
   • Blue Archive Symphony (Blue Archive O...  

#laserengraving #diy #tutorial #lasercutting #crealityfalcon #laserengraver #lasercutter, #FalconEngraver #Falcon2 #Falcon2pro #diytool #DIYEngraving #FallCreatives #crealityfalconchallenge.


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