Guy says Jesus is Gay, Roblox Club Club Iris Preaching

Описание к видео Guy says Jesus is Gay, Roblox Club Club Iris Preaching

1 corin 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Repent and believe the Gospel:
mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.


May The God Of peace Be with u Amen


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