
Описание к видео #Mangohk


   / mangohk-馬來獅媽  
  / mangohkfamily  
#馬來西亞#mm2h#吉隆坡#第二家園#香港人在大馬#Klebang Original Coconuts Shake

地址: Lot 130, Solok Kampung Bahagia, 75200 Klebang Besar, Malacca
Klebang coconut shake is a tourist place in Melaka now, and it does not seem that the craze will quickly end. There are increasing numbers of coconut shake shops around Malacca, but the coconut shake by Klebang was the first to be famous. That’s why the original coconut shake in Melaka was called themselves. It’s also one of Melaka’s top food places.


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