Vice or Value? Consuming Content in Uncertain Times

Описание к видео Vice or Value? Consuming Content in Uncertain Times

Episode 15 | Vice or Value? Consuming Content in Uncertain Times
Our dollars don't go as far as they used to, and we are seeing layoff after layoff in multiple industries. When the economy feels so strained, how do we decide what to watch and play? In this week's episode, Danny and Riana discuss what gamers want and how we choose where to spend our money.

00:00:00 - The Current State of the Gaming Industry
00:04:03 - The Rising Cost of Living and Gaming Expenses
00:08:20 - Saving Money with Game Subscriptions
00:12:21 - The Importance of Game Exclusivity and Gamer Confidence
00:16:16 - Exclusive Games and the Audience's Preferences
00:20:38 - The Impact of Digital Games and Changing Companies' Decisions
00:24:32 - The Importance of a Thriving Gaming Community
00:28:24 - The Power of a Strong Community
00:32:12 - Finding Joy in Gaming

Poll of the week: do you choose between game, movie, or TV content to save money?
N/A (It's My Job)

Got feedback for the show or want to ask Danny & Riana a question? Reach out at or hit us up on socials:
Twitter/X @godfree @RianaTweetsNow
Instagram @godfree @RianaGramsNow

#podcast #games #tv #movies #media #content #economy


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