PLAYBOY'S SECRET DATE | Park Sunghoon ff | Oneshot |

Описание к видео PLAYBOY'S SECRET DATE | Park Sunghoon ff | Oneshot |

It's always the green flag leading man we always see, so now, I made a red flag one haha. I wasn't able to find a voiceover that suits the lines I made at the end, so I changed the dialogues to match the voice. But since those lines were supposed to be the moral of the story, I'll still put the original lines here.

Y/n: Sometimes when we're lonely

Y/n: it's so disappointing that we feel like seeking for something but don't know exactly what it is.

Y/n: We feel so empty

Y/n: That's why when someone suddenly came to offer their shoulder for us to cry,

Y/n: We sometimes mistakenly thought it was something more.

Y/n: Something we thought we're in love, when we're just actually engaged.

Y/n: I broke up with him, cause I found out that he lied.

Y/n: He's not serious and I pity myself for calling him "the one" when in his eyes I'm not the only one.

Y/n: I realize that I still have my friends with me.

Y/n: and that's the moral of the story.

Y/n: There will be a time that we might feel like we're already losing the strong connection with our friends, but just like what we said, it's strong, and so it won't break and will always stay.

I do not own the music and pictures used, BUT THE WHOLE STORY IS MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY , SAME AS TO THE EDITING SUCH AS THE TRANSITION AND EFFECTS APPLIED IN THE WHOLE VIDEO. Feel free to share this story to your friends BUT STRICTLY DO NOT COPY. If any on the materials used is yours and you want it to be remove, kindly inform me and I'll fix it. Thank you so much.



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