Langrisser Mobile - Isolde + Celica + Liana and Isolde + Celica Showcase

Описание к видео Langrisser Mobile - Isolde + Celica + Liana and Isolde + Celica Showcase

Isolde + Celica + Liana setup:
T1: AA Isolde - choose yellow talent/Liana AA Isolde/Celica 1C Liana(Do NOT change her skills)
T2: Isolde do nothing - choose another talent/Liana AA Isolde/AA Isolde/Celica 3C and 1C Isolde
T3: AA Isolde - choose last talent. Attack with full upgraded Isolde

Isolde + Celica setup:
T1: AA Isolde - choose yellow talent/Celica 1C Isolde(Do NOT change her skills)
T2: AA Isolde, use 3C and kill enemy - choose talent. Full upgraded Isolde before T3


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