HPV Prevention Research with Dr. Eduardo Franco, McGill University

Описание к видео HPV Prevention Research with Dr. Eduardo Franco, McGill University

Dr. Eduardo Franco is one of the leading experts in HPV transmission. Dr. Franco is the Chair of the Department of Oncology at McGill University. In this rare and insightful video, Dr. Franco explains why HPV is such a health concern on a worldwide basis. He explains that HPV is one of the leading causal agents of cancer, at the same level of concern from a public health perspective as smoking. Dr. Franco provides an explanation of a new study being conducted at McGill University called CATCH (Carrageen-gel Against the Transmission of Cervical HPV). CATCH is testing if Divine 9® personal lubricant, made with CarraShield® can block the transmission of cancer-causing HPV in women. Over 450 women will be involved in the study.


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