Alligators Go Crazy for Jumbo Rat / Warning Live Feeding

Описание к видео Alligators Go Crazy for Jumbo Rat / Warning Live Feeding

in this video we document a pit of hungry alligators jumping at a jumbo rat .These are NOT MY PETS and copyright music was playing in the building where we filmed . #alligators #americanalligator #albinoalligator #caiman #crocodillian #alligator #lizard #reptile #reptileseating #alligatorfyp #bite #crush #crunch #thrash #eating #gators #crocs #caimaneatingmice #caimanfyp #crocodile #snappingturtles #commonsnappingturtle #turtle #reptile #turtleseating #shell #aquaticturtle #petturtles #petreptiles #pets #exotic #extoicpets #livefeeding #livefeed #mouse #pinky #rat #ratpup #rodent #prey #eating #predator #animals #animalseating #turtlesfyp #petalligator #petcaiman #livefeeding #livefeed #livefeedings #alligatorfyp


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