Autonomy Talks - Cosimo Della Santina: Controlling Soft Robots: a (mostly) model-based view

Описание к видео Autonomy Talks - Cosimo Della Santina: Controlling Soft Robots: a (mostly) model-based view

Autonomy Talks - 26/03/24

Speaker: Prof. Cosimo Della Santina, TU Delft

Title: Controlling Soft Robots: a (mostly) model-based view

Abstract: Continuum soft robots are actuated mechanical systems whose body is composed of continuously deformable materials. In the past decade, substantial progress has been made in developing a low-level artificial brain for soft robotic systems that can make them execute precise motions and eventually exploit the intelligence embedded in their complex mechanical structures. In this talk, I will briefly introduce this grand challenge within the soft robotic field and then present the model-based view of its solution. I will show how simplified models can be combined with nonlinear control theory and machine learning, leading to precise and dynamic task execution. I will conclude by presenting recent activities within my group concerning combining models with data and transferring this body of knowledge toward the manipulation of soft objects.


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