3 Truths About Thoughts, Energy Fields and the Vibration of Objects That Will Change Your Life

Описание к видео 3 Truths About Thoughts, Energy Fields and the Vibration of Objects That Will Change Your Life

Once you KNOW The 3 TRUTHS About Thoughts, Energy Fields and the Vibration of Objects.....you'll be able to SHIFT your timeline and completely change your life. This video I'll show you EXACTLY how to to comprehend and apply these TRUTHS.

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This video. I'm going to show you the three truths about thoughts, the vibration of objects and energy fields that will change your life. By the end of this video, you'll understand more about reality and a much more esoteric and powerful way than ever before.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video I'm going to be sharing with you some pretty trippy ideas.

These are going to be ways of looking at reality, that science is beginning to learn as far as how energy affects energy and how you can go about life in a, in a way to where you have this awareness so that things don't necessarily have as much pull over you.

So thoughts, energy fields, and the objects, the vibration of objects. Now. First off, let's understand that when we walk around just just going around her house, I realized this a actually months ago when I was going through some things and I was doing a lot of inner work and what happened was, is I was on one side of my house right over there in the dining room and I had a certain thought I had sir.

I was thinking about something that was irritating me and I was sitting there for a couple of minutes thinking about it, trying to figure it out. And then of course I realize, hey Aaron, you can't, you can't solve a problem from the same level of consciousness. The problem was created. I go, Oh yeah, I remember that.

So I just said, as I said, okay, I'm going to leave. I'm gonna leave that problem I have and I'm going to go outside. I'm going to ground myself. Because that's one way that I changed my state when I changed my state. Then I kind of look around and I can figure out the problem that I had. I could see it from a canoe point of view. So I was laughing a lot.

When I get like I'm on my computer and I'm getting frustrated because I can't figure out something. I'm just sitting there like this trying to figure out stuff and then what happens is all of a sudden I'll get mad and I'll be like, I can't figure this out.

I can't figure this out on the website, can't figure out this little tech thing, and then I'll just keep trying because my ego wants to have control, but then eventually what I'll do is I'll just walk away. I'll change my state and I'll come back and boom like that. I figure it out. It's like I just go on. I'm like, Oh yeah, just do this thing right here.

It's like death. Then I'm done a Z. It's easy. Now here's what happened. I'd go, I'd go like that. I go outside, I ground myself. I'm walking around, I'm feeling good, and I come back in. I'm like, okay, I'm glad that I got that out of the way that I go, oh yeah.

I left my SD card reader over there, the SD card reader that goes into my Mac book. So I go over there and grab it and I'm over there for a minute looking at it and then all of a sudden I feel that once I walked back into that room, these thoughts start to come back to me.

This was actually a period of time later, this was like a couple hours later, I was like, okay, I'm going to go back and get that SD card. I go back there just not even like thinking about what happened in the, you know, what I was irritated about before, but then those thoughts are to come back to me.

Then I had another occasion where it's something kind of similar in a certain room in my house where I have like my meditation stuff. It's not my meditation room, but it's like a room where I have like, um, it's like a relaxing room, a creative room.

I was thinking about something in there and it was a similar type thing. I totally forgot about it. Left come back and I started having the same thoughts about that really specific niche thing. Well then I started to read certain books and I started to learn more about the metaphysics of this.

It turns out our thoughts are literally things our thoughts are invisible to us. But when we go places inside of our house, we are thinking thoughts emitting out a thought vibration and those thoughts are lingering there.......

Adventures by A Himitsu   / a-himitsu  
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