Chateau Miranda de Noisy - Urbex

Описание к видео Chateau Miranda de Noisy - Urbex

Our visit of 6 januari 2013 to the deserted castle Miranda or Chateau Noisy.
Check out the full set here

During the French Revolution, the Count of Liedekerke-Beaufort left his feudal castle of Vèves, fleeing to his nearby farm.
The Count expanded the farm until 1866, when the English architect Milner designed the castle we known as Chateau de Miranda.
Originally used as summer home, after WWII it sold to the Belgian Railway, serving as a resort for children of employees & later, as a private girls' school.
Eventually abandoned in 1991, only a glimpse of its former splendor remains...

An urban explorer heaven but guarded by a grumpy and trigger happy ranger....


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