MARIA - West Side Story - Bernstein - piano

Описание к видео MARIA - West Side Story - Bernstein - piano

"Maria" es una canción del musical de Broadway de 1957 West Side Story, cantada por el personaje principal Tony. La música fue escrita por Leonard Bernstein y la letra por Stephen Sondheim. La canción fue publicada en 1956.

"María" es cantada por el protagonista masculino Tony cuando se entera de que el nombre de la chica de la que se ha enamorado es "María". El nombre "María" se pronuncia o se canta en la canción 29 veces. Originalmente escrito en si mayor por Bernstein, pero luego bajado medio tono a si bemol mayor para la producción original de Broadway, que luego modula a re mayor respectivamente. Sin embargo, en la película de 1961, la canción estaba en la tonalidad de La mayor modulando a Re bemol mayor.

La canción es ampliamente conocida por su uso del intervalo melódico de tritono en el tema principal. La canción es un ejemplo del uso del modo Lidio, que es el mismo que la escala mayor pero con una 4ª elevada, dando el tritono característico de esta pieza.
Maria" is a song from the 1957 Broadway musical West Side Story, sung by the lead character Tony. The music was written by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. The song was published in 1956.

"Maria" is sung by the male lead Tony when he learns the name of the girl he's fallen in love with is "Maria". The name "Maria" is spoken or sung in the song 29 times. Originally written in B major by Bernstein - but later lowered a half step to Bb major for the Original Broadway production - which then modulates to D major respectively. In the 1961 film however, the song was in the key of A major modulating to D-flat major.

The song is widely known for its use of the melodic interval of a tritone in the main theme. The song is an example of the use of Lydian mode, which is the same as the major scale but with a raised 4th, giving the tritone characteristic of this piece.


The most beautiful sound I ever heard
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria
All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria
I've just met a girl named Maria,
And suddenly that name
Will never be the same to me
I've just kissed a girl named Maria,
And suddenly I found
How wonderful a sound can be
Say it loud and there's music playing,
Say it soft and it's almost like praying
I'll never stop saying Maria!
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria,
Say it loud and there's music playing
Say it soft and it's almost like praying
Maria, I'll never stop saying Maria
The most beautiful sound I ever heard


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