Описание к видео KUNG FU PANDA 4 is Not GREAT...

So, here's my take on Kung Fu Panda 4. It's not as bad as I thought, but it's not exactly blowing my mind either. I was cool with Kung Fu Panda 3 wrapping things up, so when rumors started swirling about a fourth flick, I was skeptical. Let's start with the positives. The movie's visuals are stunning, maintaining the colorful and stylistic animation the series is known for. Po's character development is also commendable, showing his growth into a true inspiration. The action sequences, particularly the tavern brawl, are thrilling and well-executed. On the downside, the 3D felt flat, not worth the extra cash. The soundtrack was forgettable, except for Zhen's theme. And the plot? Well, it's a mixed bag. Some characters, like Li, felt off. And the story beats seemed recycled, especially the Dragon Warrior stuff. Plus, some characters, like the Furious Five, felt sidelined. And the Chameleon villain lacked depth, her backstory feeling rushed. Overall, it's okay. Not terrible, but not amazing like the trilogy. Just kinda meh.
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