How to find a job in Korea, job search process and methods | Tips from a KGSP scholar

Описание к видео How to find a job in Korea, job search process and methods | Tips from a KGSP scholar

Hello everyone! It has been a while but I am so happy to be back :) For those who do not know, I worked for a year in Korea at a small company after graduating from SNU. I recently moved to a Korean conglomerate where I had to receive training, move houses etc. I shared a little life update in the video as well :) Many of you wanted to know about the job search process in Korea and the different ways international students can do so. I shared both my methods as well as ways my friends used! I hope you found this video useful!

Do let me know in the comments whether you like such chit-chat videos with minimal editing and also what other topics/videos you would like me to film! :) Thank you for always supporting me and I wish you the best of luck on your job search in Korea!

Instagram: @joccopie
(I update about my life in Korea over on my Instagram as well!)


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