FMX 2023: Prism 2 updates and QuiltiX (MaterialX Editor)

Описание к видео FMX 2023: Prism 2 updates and QuiltiX (MaterialX Editor)

This is a recording of the Prism presentation from the FMX conference in April 2023.
The original title is "Working with USD, MaterialX, Unreal and in remote teams with Prism Pipeline 2".

Richard Frangenberg
Magnus Igland Møller
Manuel Köster

In this presentation we will present and discuss the latest developments of Prism Pipeline 2.

Prism is a modern, artist focused pipeline software for studios and individuals to manage their data and automate their workflows.

Prism 2 is currently in private beta and will be released soon (details about the timeline will be given during the presentation).

In this presentation we will focus on these topics:

USD (Universal Scene Description): 5:46
Working with USD across multiple DCCs and in Prism standalone.

Unreal Engine: 10:20
Automating the workflow between Unreal Engine and other DCCs with Prism. Specifically we will be talking about the Sequencer and USD features in Unreal.

Project Management: 14:28
Connecting Prism to 3rd party management tools like Kitsu, Shotgrid or FTrack. We will also look at handling media and reviewing in Open RV.

Cloud / Remote workflows: 19:34
Syncing files with remote artists or between studio locations with a new Prism cloud service.

Prism in production at Tumblehead: 22:00
Insights in the workflow of the animation studio Tumblehead.

MaterialX | QuiltiX: 30:06
Working with MaterialX to simplify material workflows between DCCs and between renderers. We will reveil "QuiltiX"; A new standalone MaterialX editor.


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