White Noise 10 Hours For Colicky Baby Sleep | Magic Sound To Soothe Crying Infant

Описание к видео White Noise 10 Hours For Colicky Baby Sleep | Magic Sound To Soothe Crying Infant

White Noise 10 Hours For Colicky Baby Sleep | Magic Sound To Soothe Crying Infant
   • White Noise 10 Hours For Colicky Baby...  

Soothe a crying baby with this white noise for babies sound. White noise resembles sounds the baby heard in the womb, which has a calming effect. The 12 hour baby sleep sound also masks other distracting noises so that your baby can fall asleep and remain sleeping. Whether to help an infant sleep or to soothe a colicky baby, this sleep noise is an effective tool for any parent.

Adults sleep well to white noise too!

While playing white noise for babies, it’s important to keep tabs on the volume, because any white noise machine, smartphone, or computer can put out levels that are too loud for your child. It's recommended to play the sound at least a few feet from where your infant is sleeping and to keep the volume no louder than the sound of a soft shower.

Parents can download an app to turn their smartphone into a sound level meter. One good, free, option is the sound level meter app created by the U.S. National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) available on the app store as the NIOSH SLM app.

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