"Stop fighting for God, strongly fight for the pillars of Islam" - Minister Otafiire urges Muslims.

Описание к видео "Stop fighting for God, strongly fight for the pillars of Islam" - Minister Otafiire urges Muslims.

The Minister for Internal Affairs, Maj. Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, has asked Muslims all over the country to practice the five main aspects of Islam. These five parts are essential to living a Muslim life and bring peace and devotion to Allah. Maj. Gen. Otafiire made these comments during a gathering to raise money for the Rukiga Muslim Nursery and Primary School construction project in Rukiga district.

The Five Pillars are the main beliefs and actions that Muslims follow. They include believing in one God (Shahada), giving to those in need (Zakat), praying five times a day facing Mecca (Salah), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), and going on a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).

Maj. Gen. Otafiire also said that both Muslims and Christians should focus on the important aspects of their religions instead of fighting for God. He encouraged Muslims to prioritize the five pillars of Islam and stressed their significance. As a minister, he is dedicated to serving all people, regardless of their religion.

Maj. Gen. Otafiire also emphasized that Muslims should not judge others or create divisions within their faith because only God can pass judgment. He reminded everyone that God is greater and different from humans.

Maj. Gen. Otafiire expressed concern about the large size of the 11th parliament, which makes it difficult for parliamentarians to do their jobs effectively. The government is actively searching for solutions to address this issue.

Caroline Kamusiime, the Woman MP for Rukiga District and Chairperson of the construction committee for Rukiga Muslim Nursery and Primary School, thanked Retired Major Gen. Otafiire for attending and leading the fundraising event. She acknowledged the discrimination faced by Muslims in Rukiga district due to their small numbers. This event marked an important milestone for the Muslim community in the district.

Kamusiime stressed the need for Muslim representation in leadership roles to fight against discrimination. She called on leaders and locals to support each other, recognizing their shared humanity. She promised to work tirelessly with the community to ensure the construction project progresses smoothly.

Sheikh Kabu Lule, the Kabale Muslim Kadhi, mentioned that the Islamic community has concerns about certain government programs that may conflict with their religious beliefs. However, he welcomed the idea of Islamic banking, as it would bring many benefits to the Muslim community if implemented.

The Kabale District Muslim Khadi, Sheikh Kabu Lule, emphasized that once the construction is finished, the school will welcome students from all faiths and backgrounds.

Kadhi Lule thanked everyone who contributed and encouraged those who haven't contributed to support the project, emphasizing the importance of completing it quickly.

The Rukiga Muslim Nursery and Primary School is the first school established by Muslims in Rukiga district. The fundraising event successfully raised over 21 million, which is a significant achievement.



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