10 secrets to success and inner peace summary

Описание к видео 10 secrets to success and inner peace summary

Hey guys! Here is a quick summary of Wayne Dyer's book - 10 secrets to success and inner peace. It's a great read, so check it out if you like the video.

1 – Be open to everything and attached to nothing

Open your mind to all possibilities – have the belief that all things are possible. This is a powerful mindset. If you close your mind off to something, it no longer becomes a possibility. We might as well be open to all possibilities because that (at the very least) allows them the opportunity to come to fruition.

2- Don’t die with your passion still in you

Step to your own music and inspiration. Follow your dreams!

3 – You can’t give away what you don’t have

Respond with love in all circumstances because you get what you give. Trust yourself and love yourself. You can’t give love if you don’t have any for yourself. What comes out of you in the form of words and actions, is what’s inside of you. What do you have inside?

4 – Embrace silence

Meditate and take the time to listen to the sounds of nature.

5 – Give up personal history

Live in the now because your past is gone. Remove your labels. You are not your past.

6 – Improve your mindset

You experience everyone and everything as thoughts in your head. Your thoughts are the source of virtually everything in your life. Change your mind, change your life.

7 – No resentments

When you’re resentful, you’re giving your emotional well being over to someone else. Don’t blame others. You are responsible for your life. Send love, peace, and joy for whatever comes your way.

When it comes to criticism, ask yourself, why would I let something that belongs to someone else be a source of resentment? Do not accept that gift. What you think of me is none of my business. Refuse to be offended.

8 – Treat yourself as if you already are what you want to be

Act as if you are already that person you want to be. See yourself and declare it. Visualize how that future you would think, feel, and speak and then do it. It all starts with thoughts, then feelings, then actions.

9 – Treasure your divinity

Everything is a miracle. You are a piece of the divine intelligence that supports everything.

10 – Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you

Forgive yourself for shame, guilt, and apathy. Turn over issues, fears, and problems to your higher self… not your ego.

That sums up Dr. Wayne Dyer’s 10 secrets for success and inner peace. Thanks!
More at my blog: https://wisdom-for-life.com/10-secret...

Change your mind, change your life video -    • The Power of Habit Animated Summary  

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