Ventus Theme Extended (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep)

Описание к видео Ventus Theme Extended (Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep)

This is Ventus Theme from the game Kingdom hearts Birth By Sleep
All Rights Reserved to Square Enix and Disney and Composer Yoko Shimomura
I was to lazy to add more pictures in this video so yeah xD

Yes before anyone gets confused about Thats Roxas and stuff but first off. Birth By Sleep happened before Sora can wield the keyblade so basically Sora, Riku and Kairi was around the aged of 4 when this happened. At the End of the game as Ventus fought Vanitas with the x-blade which was forged with Vanitas and Ventus's Heart. As the X Blade was destroyed Ventus's Hearts is sleeping deeply cutting through darkness, while as Young Sora came Ventus asked nicely to go inside Sora's Heart so he can live again, Thats why Sora can wield an keyblade and chosen master because his heart belongs to the light and not chosen Riku because he chose darkness. Anyway, When Sora fought Riku Ansem in Kingdom Hearts I he then used the keyblade of people's heart to sacrifice his heart in order to save Kairi and he had turned into an heartless... That is when Roxas comes into the picture


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