Pakistan Iran Relations: Recent Crisis and Opportunities I Ahmed Ali Naqvi I Episode 110

Описание к видео Pakistan Iran Relations: Recent Crisis and Opportunities I Ahmed Ali Naqvi I Episode 110

#css #currentaffairs #worldinfocus #pms #pakistan #iran #balochistan #insurgency #terrorism #middleeast #foreignminister #trade #gwadar #cpec #china #css2024


• Introduction:

• Historical Background:

• Current Developments:

o Opening of Border Markets
o Gwadar electricity project
o Free Trade Talks

• Cross Border Strikes:
o Iranian Attack
o Pakistan’s Response
• Why Iran is aggressive?
o Global Sanctions/pressure
o Distraction from internal issues
o Increased militant attacks inside Iran
o Nothing new
o Upcoming Elections
• Why Pakistan responded aggressively?
o India Factor
o Internal Pressure of public
o Growing insurgency in Baluchistan
o Upcoming Elections
• Opportunities of Cooperation?
o Economic
o Political
o Security
• Conclusion

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