Setting up your Facebook Marketplace listing for maximum visibility

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It seems like social networking wasn’t enough for Facebook to keep those 1.71 Billion users engaged enough.

The company announced in 2016 an extension to its business model with the introduction of Facebook Marketplace.

Facebook Marketplace is commonly used to buy and sell products. However, as a seller you might find difficulty in searching for customers while selling your products. This is because of a lack of visibility.

Do you want your products to become visible to all potential customers on Facebook?

Let’s try out something new. Changing & customizing the Facebook Marketplace settings might help you increase visibility of your products.
As you keep on browsing Facebook Marketplace, you can find the notifications on the page from the product listings that you have recently viewed and updates from the sellers that you follow.

Also, you’ll find the product listings that are relevant to the keywords that you have been searching in the marketplace.

When you go to your Facebook Marketplace, you can check the notifications section just above the inbox and you’ll see that the notifications will be the recent updates.
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