【鉄道模型レイアウト】カメラを載せた電車が走る|超過密都市のジオラマ|A train carrying a camera runs|Model Train Layout|4K

Описание к видео 【鉄道模型レイアウト】カメラを載せた電車が走る|超過密都市のジオラマ|A train carrying a camera runs|Model Train Layout|4K


We have a very overcrowded model railroad layout in our house that took over 10 years to create. In the city of this diorama, we circled a train with a 4K camera on it and took video. There are no captions in this video, so please take your time and enjoy the train window images.


チャンネル名:ogata museum
   / ogatamuseum  

#modelrailroad #HOゲージ #自動運転


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