Al Hakam II Andalusia (Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba)

Описание к видео Al Hakam II Andalusia (Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba)

Al Hakam II (Alhakén II) of Umayyad Iberia (Andalusia)

961 - Al Hakam suceeded the Umayyad caliphate in Córdoba and adopted caliphal title of al-Mustanṣir.
Al Hakam was very well versed in numerous science & knowledge.He erected great libraries in Córdoba.His great library collected more than 400.000 volumes.
Beside that, 70 great library was erected throughout Andalusia, notably in Seville, Malaga and Granada.
Andalusia became producer of high quality Silk centered on Almería.
Trading routes between North Africa, Al Andalus and the rest of Europe was established through northern Iberia.
While lucrative sea routes between Al-Andalus and Northern Europe was monopolized by merchants from Genoa & Pisa.
as the Caliph became patron of Art, Science & knowledge. Day-to-day governance was handled by Grand Vizier Jaʿfar Al Mushafi of Berber Origin.
And military with Able General Ghālib ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ṣiḳlabī (Ghalib The Slav).
962 - Al Hakam II expanded the great mosque of Córdoba.
He also restored Sanco I as the King of Leon.
He marries converted Basque, Aurora, later known as Sabiha, Queen of Córdoba.
963 - Sancho I broke the treaty and attacking Umayyad along with the Kingdom of Navarre.
Umayyad army led by Al Hakam himself along ith General General Ghālib the Slav, they defeated the Leonese and Navarrese, and killed King García Sánchez I.
Towns of Gormaz, Atienza and Callahora was captured.
966 - Viking fleet from Norway & Denmark under Gundhered (Gudrød) raided coastal Galicia and pillaged the great monastery of Santiago de Compostela and killed the bishop Sisnando Menéndez.
The vikings then headed south to Lisbon under Umayyad Caliphate. The Viking fleet encountered Umayyad fleet, and naval battle ensued. Several viking ship were destroyed.
971 - After failed attempt to raid andalusian western coast, due to superiro andalusian navy. Viking fleet returned north to coastla Galicia.
wherte the Vikings was defeated by Galician count Gonzalo Sánchez.
972 - Ghalib the Slav promoted to rank of Al-qāʾid al-Aʿlā (supreme commander).
he also brought law student Ibn Abī ʿĀmir (Almanzor) into Cordoban court.
He was stationed at Medinaceli (Madinat Salim) castle to oversee northern border.
973 - Morocco: Ghalib led an expedition to bring the Idrīsids back under Umayyad allegiance.
975 - Gormaz: King Ramiro III of León besiege Gormaz. General Ghalib succeeded relieving the siege and defeated the Leonese army.
He then move to Castile and defeated Castilian army under Count García Fernández near Langa de Duero.
976 - Al Hakam oversee the completion of Royal capital of Medina Azahara founded in 936.
Female scholar Lubna was employed as Caliph secretary and in charge with managing the Library of Medina Azahara along with sephardim Hasdai ibn Shaprut.
Abū al-Qāsim Al-Zahrawi (Albucasis), considered the greatest surgeon of the Middle ages.
His work was compiled in Kitab al-Tasrif, an encyclopedia of surgery It contains information about a wide variety of illnesses, injuries, medical conditions, treatments, and surgical procedures.

Al Hakam died and suceeded by his young son Hisham II. The administration of the Andalusia was handled by council consisting of Senior Vizier al-Mushafi , Queen Sabiha (Aurora), General Ghalib the Slav and Vizier Ibn Abī ʿĀmir (al-Manṣūr/Almanzor).
Ibn Abī ʿĀmir (al-Manṣūr/Almanzor) soon dominating the politic in Andalusia.

Music :
Societe Generale - Lamma Bada Yatathanna/لما بدا يتثنى (Andalusian Muwashshah)
A R Rahman - Through the Sands (Muhammad: The Messenger of God )
Richard Beddow - The Undying Legion (Total War : Warhammer II)
Roberto Cacciapaglia - Coronation of the Grand Vizier (Day of the Siege)


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