Long Range 101 Part 69 - Bullet RPM & Overstabilization

Описание к видео Long Range 101 Part 69 - Bullet RPM & Overstabilization

Rifle bullets often spin at over 200,000 RPM! This generates a tremendous 'centrifugal force' which can have some interesting effects on a bullet's external ballistic performance. In this video, Rex explains overstabilization and how it stiffens up a bullet's spin axis to where it experiences a loss in tractability which can lead to increased bullet yaw and spin drift at extreme long ranges.

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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.

Song Title: Wadi Watir, Under the Ice
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation and Vocals by: TiborasaurusRex
Recorded by: TiborasaurusRex


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