SpeakGaelic | A1 | Ep2

Описание к видео SpeakGaelic | A1 | Ep2

Joy Dunlop guides us through the first basic steps to speak Gaelic. We’ll meet Gaelic learner Clare Coghill, and Calum Maclean is scouring the streets of Glasgow in search of Greek architecture.

Joy Dunlop gar toirt tro na ciad ceumannan gus Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn. Coinnichidh sinn ris an neach-ionnsachaidh Clare Coghill, agus tha Calum MacIlleathain a’ coiseachd tro shràidean Ghlaschu an tòir air ailltireachd Ghreugach.

To see a bilingual transcription of the illustrated conversation in the park, visit: https://bit.ly/30JXBmd

To see a bilingual transcription of the illustrated conversation in the new home, visit: https://bit.ly/3jnbMnB

Listen to the accompanying podcast: https://bbc.in/3DVN1YB

Learn the sentence structures and vocabulary used in this episode. Practice what you have learnt about places by taking the quizzes on https://speakgaelic.scot/level/places/

Start your own Gaelic adventure by signing up: https://speakgaelic.scot/register/


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