Yanacocha: Fantastic bird-filled Cloud Forest mere miles from Quito, Ecuador. Hummingbirds and more!

Описание к видео Yanacocha: Fantastic bird-filled Cloud Forest mere miles from Quito, Ecuador. Hummingbirds and more!

I take students from the University of Arizona around Yanacocha reserve, which is just northwest of Quito, Ecuador as part of their summer study-abroad tropical biology class. See some of the different bird species that live in the reserve. I only took them down the main trail, but there is a expansive trail network connected to the main trail, including one the takes you up into the vast vast paramo also protected by the reserve. This reserve is run and protected by the Jocotoco. Foundation and was created for the Black-breasted Puffleg... Hopefully, i can bring that bird to viewers in a future video! Anyone who wants to visit Yanacocha please feel free to contact me through the comments on here or at [email protected]. This is often the first stop on Choco itineraries and is an easy day-trip out of Quito.


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