Don’t call someone a Kaafir just for not having a beard | Naeem Butt | Naseeha Discourse

Описание к видео Don’t call someone a Kaafir just for not having a beard | Naeem Butt | Naseeha Discourse

Did you ever find yourself at the other end of the knife by being called a ‘kaafir’ just because you were dressed modestly following the West? Were you ever in a state where following the deen made all four walls close in around you, suffocating you into a chokehold while voices reverberated around you, convincing you to go astray? Is what you see really what you see? Naseeha Discourse presents another insightful and vision-changing podcast with the ex-television actor and active Islamic scholar, Naeem Butt. Tune into our latest episode to learn how to navigate within life, and how to respond to certain stops within your journey to deen, using examples and inspiration from the life of the Prophet [pbuh.]

Time codes:-
2:27 Why isn’t deen embedded within the hearts of people? Whose fault is it?
6:36 Are the Muslim scholars to be blamed for the Ummah going away from religion?
12:14 Are we scared of change?
15:54 How thick should your skin be when it comes to opposition?
20:10 Do we have the true Islam presented to us?
28:25 Addressing the Shubhaat – [Destructive Doubts]
35:49 Where do you draw the line when it comes to religion?
38:52 What is the most difficult thing to do in this world?
43:14 We judge before talking to someone.
54:19 If Naeem Butt could redo one thing in his life / any regrets + any naseehat.

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